Monitoring of Humidity and Temperatures on Vessels

Monitoring of temperatures and relative humidity on secodnd deck of boats. Automated control of water pump depending on water level. Additional temperature measurement with PT1000 sensor and sampling analog input 4-20mA. Data transfer to

Application is located on a boat. It measures relative humidity and temperature in two decks of a boat. Telemetric system also monitors water level and water generator state. Two analog inputs are reserved for Pt1000 sensors and other two for current input 4 – 20mA. BaWiT –E contains also bistable relay, which serves to toggle alarm output. This output depends on the state of binary input from generater state. Temperatures are guarded and after exceeding default limit BaWiT –E sends SMS alarm to authorized users. Another SMS alarm is being sent if water level switch toggles.

Measurements of humidity and temperature occurs every hour and data transfer to web occurs once a day. All measured data are archived. Web page shows all measured data.


BaWiT modules

Extended modules of BaWiT. Modules GSM, ETH, CDMA, RF, OLED, USB-TTL232. More details on web pages for BaWiT modules.


BaWiT-A/B Series

Mechanically and chemically durable BaWiTs.

  • BaWiT A/B with battery power (up to 10 years battery lifetime)
  • operational temperature range
    -40°C to +75°C
  • resistance agains vibrations
  • usable in hard environment
  • SPL programming language
  • (Zóne 1)

More details on web pages for BaWiT-A/B.

Sensors for battery systems

Sensors with low voltage consumption. 

  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • Magnetic field sensor
  • Sensors on long cable
  • Sensors in-build in BaWiTs
  • Converter USB-RS485.

More details for series BaWiT-S.

PCT PLC Modules

New PLC modules was released. 

BaWiT-C/M/F Series

BaWiT family devices was extended with modular option BaWiT-C/M/F devices.

Soft & Control Technology s.r.o
Rastislavova 46
040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh

IČO: 31 689 973
DIČ: 2020491968
IČ DPH: SK2020491968

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